So, today in this topic we will discuss how to do the EMS RP in the GTA Legacy Roleplay Server. First, let me tell you I’m an EMS and I am going to inform you how you can do this job easily. To become an EMS, first, you have to become a responsible person. EMS RP is a whitelisted job. This is a very responsible job and you have to give your best on it.
The name EMS refers to the doctor. You have to be a doctor and serve the patients well. You have to behave kindly to everyone. In the first phase let’s start with the communication technique with other EMSs.
Codes Used During EMS RP
While you are on duty in the EMS RP you have to communicate with your seniors/juniors in specific codes. Those codes will be listed below. There is a unique code assigned for every situation. In the Legacy Roleplay server, you have to stay on radio channel number 2 while going on duty. Let’s have a look at the codes mentioned below.
- Code 0 – Game crash /Possibility of a Game crash,
- Code 1 – Lights off /Resume patroling,
- Code 2 – Urgent response with the lights on but no siren,
- Code 3 – Emergency responding /Light and siren both on,
- Code 4 – Scene clear /Job is over,
- Code 6 – Investigation for other individuals.
These were some of the codes that are essential and used every time. Now let’s see other codes.
10-4 = Acknowledgement
10-20 = Location (used to tell about your location)
10-41 = On Duty (While going On duty you have to use his code on the radio at first)
10-42 = On Duty (While going Off duty you have to use his code on the radio)
10-76 = Responding To Call. (while you receive an emergency help call on your device then use this code to respond to the call)
10-71 = Code red situation(This is the situation when someone is shooting at others)
10-19 = Returning to Hospital.(while you go somewhere to treat the patient and you are returning then you have to use this code)
These basic codes are used for an On-duty EMS. Make sure to memorize these codes so you don’t miss anything and do your EMS RP properly.
How To Do EMS RP While Visiting A Patient

After learning codes let me tell you how you have to act or behave after visiting any patients. So, you received a call and you are going to visit a patient. After visiting you have to act like a real doctor. For that, you have to go to the back of the ambulance open the back door, and enter a command as (/e medbag), this will make a medical kit appear on your hand.
Now, go near the patient and input a command by pressing “T” and (/e medic back) after that your character will crouch and act like it is checking the patient. Next, you have to give the command as (/do checking ~r~ wounds), and after that enter (/do ~g~ Bandaging on ~r~ wounds).
Don’t be confused, ~r~ and ~g~ represent color. Using these commands your text will appear in the mentioned color for example ~r~ for red color and ~g~ for green. After checking and bandaging the patient you have to cancel the emote of medic back and go near the ambulance and input command as (/do lowering the stretcher) then go near to patient and escort him by giving the command as (/escort).
After that put the patient on a stretcher as a command (/do putting the patient on the stretcher) and do near to the ambulance and input (/suspect in) as a command. Drive the ambulance to the nearest pillbox(hospital) and enter a command from the ambulance as (/suspect out) then take the patient to the check counter and treat him and your job to save a patient is done. This is very easy to do. I explained the process theoretically but you can do it practically on your EMS RP training and become perfect on your EMS RP, Happy EMS RPing.