Home » Photopea: Edit Like A Photoshop Easily Online

Photopea: Edit Like A Photoshop Easily Online


Do you know what Photopea is? These Days everyone has a busy schedule and wants to complete work quickly and easily. As a content writer, I need to complete a task quicker so I don’t want to open heavy editing software and do so editing. But In place, I will just open a browser, go to Photopea, and start editing my pictures. Photopea is one of the editing software for every graphics editor. It is also known as online Photoshop.

Photopea is an advanced online image editor. It is just a Lite Version of Photoshop on a Webpage or You can even say Photopea is a free Photoshop Clone. We can use it for simple Editing such as resizing, cropping, and color grading, and complex editing, such as designing, illustrations, photographs, and more.

How To Use Photopea?

Photopea does not have any software that should be installed on a computer you just need a web browser.

Photopea Tutorial
Photopea Tutorial

It works on any Android, iOS, or Windows device i.e., desktop, laptop, tablet, or any other computer. If you are familiar with Photoshop you will quickly understand this too. It has a similar layout, tools, and features to Photoshop.

What Types Of Files Does It Support?

One good part of Photopea is that we can even import or export PSD and XCF files too. It is an Online image editor but can support PSD, Sketch, and XCF files (Photoshop, Sketch App, and Gimp). You can directly import files from a computer or start manually by creating a new file. All files, that you open inside this like PNGs’, JPGs, and Sketchs’ are converted to PSD as you finish editing, and the result can be saved from the PSD to other formats. It has all the tools that Photoshop has. You can even load your brushes, gradients, fonts, and more, the same way you open images.

How To Open A File In Photopea?

As for Photoshop, there are different ways of opening files in photopea too. From Menu Choose File > Open. Select the name of the file you want to open. If the file does not appear, select the option for showing all files from the Files. Click Open. You can even Drag and Drop your file to the Workspace.

How To Save Files?

Same as Photoshop, you can simply save by pressing Ctrl+S in the Keyboard. You can Choose File > Save As. Choose a format from the Format menu you want to save the file in. Give a filename and location you want to save in. And then click the Save button. A dialog box appears for choosing options when saving in some image formats.

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